Poster on dynamic active power limits for Smart Charging Facility (for SENSE Smart Grid Use Case) presented at CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop


The CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop which took place from 19th – 20th June 2024 was targeted towards experts from distribution system operators (DSO) as well as researchers from both academia and industry.

This year’s workshop theme was “Increasing Distribution Network Hosting Capacity” and numerous interesting talks, posters and roundtables addressed topics such as using demand and generation flexibility to enhance network hosting capacity. Furthermore, the challenge of dealing with increasing risk and uncertainty in the distribution grid as more and more distributed energy resources, electrical vehicles and heat pumps are connected, was discussed.

Siemens was also present with a poster on the topic of “Application of Operating Envelopes to increase Hosting Capacity for Smart Charging Facilities in Urban Distribution Grids “. The corresponding paper evaluates the operation of a smart charging facility in Seestadt Aspern, Vienna, under a static vs. dynamic active power limit (“operating envelope”) at the grid connection point of the garage. This research is directly linked to the SENSE Smart Grid Use Case.