First Year General Assembly of SENSE

At the beginning of March, we concluded the first year of the SENSE project with a general assembly hosted in the scenic city of Öblarn in Styria. The meeting was filled with exciting ideas and interesting discussions. It showcased the progress of each project partner during the first project year and focused on coordinating the next steps of the project.

During the first year of SENSE, we have been working on multiple fronts to explore the project and its requirements in full detail. The industry partners successfully completed the definition of their Use Cases and proof of concepts (PoCs). Additionally, a clear set of requirements and goals was defined for each of the use cases. On the side of the technical partners, a first concept was developed for the event detection by the SENSE system as well as the explanation engine. To make sure these components work smoothly together and interact with their environment, the whole SENSE framework was developed, integrating the event detection, semantic model, the explanation generation as well as the user needs and context in an auditable SENSE architecture. All of this effort was rewarded, when we shared a first demo of the new SENSE system at the general assembly.

It was a great meeting, thanks to the great work of all the participants (from top-left to bottom-right): Ioan Toma, Daniel Hauer, Mohammad Bilal, Thomas Frühwirth, Alfred Einfalt, Christoph Moser, Wolfgang Prüggler, Fajar Ekaputra, Juliana Kainz, Katrin Schreiberhuber, Marta Sabou, Konrad Diwold, Natalie Prüggler.

In the next months, all partners will focus on working towards the development of the SENSE system, moving from a demo version to the full technology stack. This software kit will then enable the implementation of the PoCs to test the feasibility of running the SENSE system in its intended environment. This will pave the way towards the final phase of the project, the evaluation of the system and the PoCs making use of it.